🇨🇿 Malý Šišák, Hotel-Garni, Art Deco electric radiator

There is 1 electric cast iron radiator Art Deco installed in the dining room of this fully renovated historic Hotel in Czech nature park Krkonoše. The main goal was to produce a cast iron radiator in electric version only. Missing central heating system, temperature fluctuation in room and stylish decoration leaded us to cover it with our ArtDeco classic cast iron radiator, filled with antifreeze and equipped with powerful electric element with thermostatic regulation.  (more…)

Griffen Rast

🇦🇹 Griffen, Mochoritsch rest stop, Spiralix radiators

There are finned tube radiators Spiralix in RAL 7048 finish with specially adapted wall brackets for fixing radiators on the glas facade. Finned tube radiators are installed inside of restaurant on the glas facade to avoid dew and mist during winter season. There are Spiralix double installed on the floor to heat up this huge space comfortably too.  Famous Mochoritsch highway rest stop is located in Griffen, on austrian highway A2 on direction to the South. (more…)