🇨🇿 Prague, Marc O’Polo store, Anuova and Spiralix radiators
Brief story:
There are industrial finned tubes radiators Spiralix and multicolumn radiators Anuova installed in Marc O’ Polo fashion store. The “Peterka House” is located at Václavské náměstí 777/12 in Prague and it is significant Art Nouveau building from the late 19th century. The building was constructed between 1898 and 1899 based on the design of architect Jan Kotěra, who is considered the founder of modern Czech architecture. The spatial layout was designed by architect Vilém Tierhier. The interior of the house includes representative rooms in the front part of the first floor, which still preserve the original Art Nouveau decorations. Peterka House is considered one of the first Art Nouveau buildings in Prague and represents an important milestone in the history of Czech architecture..